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Oral Surgery

In some instances, your doctor may recommend a tooth to be removed. Unfortunately, this may be the best option for a tooth that is severely decayed, fractured, or is compromised by advanced periodontal disease. Other teeth, such as wisdom teeth, may need to be removed because their poor position is affecting adjacent teeth, or as requested by your orthodontist in preparation for treatment. We also offer oral sedation in some cases, make sure to ask your doctor during your consultation appointment if this option is right for you. 


If tooth removal is ultimately the best option for treatment, we will always recommend an alternative for tooth replacement. Missing a single tooth can cause significant changes in your jaw structure, ability to chew food or lead to additional cosmetic concerns. 

What to Expect


At the time of extraction, the doctor will profoundly numb the tooth in question and the surrounding area using a local anesthetic. 


Local anesthetic numbs the pain receptors but not the pressure receptors, so you will feel a lot of pressure. The pressure is from firmly rocking the tooth to loosen it in the jawbone. In some surgical cases, a handpiece with water will be used to help remove the tooth in sections. 


If you feel ANY pain at the time of extraction, let the doctor know right away! 


Post-Operative Instructions 


Be sure to bite on the gauze provided for 30-45 minutes immediately after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing continues, fold the additional sterile gauze provided into a ‘hamburger shape’ and bite firmly for another 30 minutes. This may need to be repeated to staunch the flow of blood. If you run out of gauze you can use a black tea bag that was gently soaked in water to bite down on. 


This allows a blood clot to form in the socket. In order to prevent dislodging the clot, we ask that you do not drink through straws, rinse vigorously or spit, smoke, drink alcohol, and avoid small hard or spicy foods for the next 72 hours. 


After your Appointment 


After the tooth is extracted you may have some swelling and discomfort in the area. Take any pain medications or antibiotics as prescribed. An ice pack or a frozen bag of peas will keep swelling to a minimum. Try to eat soft foods the day of the extraction, avoiding the surgical site. You may resume your normal diet when comfortable.  


If any heavy bleeding, severe pain or swelling persist for more than two to three days call the office immediately – 708-386-2233. 



We will be in touch!

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